American Musical Salute
For the past two decades, The American Musical Salute has had the privilege of working with many of America's top student performing ensembles. School music groups across the country have participated in our programs for historic events all over the world.
We were in Philadelphia for the 200th Anniversary of the Constitution (1987), and for Benjamin Franklin's 300th Birthday (2006); in Spain for the 500th Anniversary of Columbus' historic voyage (1992); in Washington DC for its Bicentennial as our Capital (1991) and the Bicentennial of the White House (2000); in Hawaii for the 50th Anniversary of Statehood (2009); in DC and Gettysburg to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War (2011-2014); in DC to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of "I Have a Dream" (2013); and since 2001 in New York, Washington DC, Hawaii, and Normandy France to honor and pay a musical tribute to our United States Veterans.
Salute Productions is the "Official Production & Travel Partner" of American Musical Salute